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Mobile hospitals, which we can also define as self-sufficient health facilities, are established by commissioned companies. The purpose of the installation is to quickly deliver the treatment to people in case of emergency. According to the definition of the World Health Organization; Mobile hospitals are established to meet emergency needs for a certain period of time during natural disasters or epidemics. Mobile hospitals, which are preferred due to their ability to rapidly distribute, shrink and expand, can be established with government support in special cases.

Mobile Portable Hospital Requirements

• Support units (generator – water tank)

• Satellite system

• Communication infrastructure

• Heating, ventilation, lighting

• Fully equipped pharmacy, laboratory, triage, radiology

• Expandable container (operating room)

• Expandable container (intensive care with x beds)

• Hospital dormitories

Many features such as those mentioned above, must have in a mobile hospital. However, if all these are provided, safe and professional treatment methods will be applicable.

Mobile Hospital Advantages

The increasing need for healthcare has led to the emergence of mobile hospital services. Thanks to these innovative hospital models, which can be created with very economical budgets, on-site health services are expanded and facilitates the taking of measures for the protection of general public health. It can be counted among the advantages of the mobile hospital that it can be produced to be positioned in all kinds of terrain conditions, it is easily portable, and it can be established and started to serve in a very short time. Thus, it is one of the most practical solutions in meeting the urgently needed hospital needs during natural disasters, war or pandemic periods.