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Covid 19, which affected the whole world with its entry into our lives in the last months of 2019, caught all humanity unprepared. The health measures taken and the work done in this field still remain inadequate even nowadays when we come to 2021.

The inadequacy of treatment methods against the Covid 19 virus, the filling of hospital capacities, led to very bad views, especially in some countries such as India, where the population ratios are high. This situation has brought with it the search for a solution for treatment.

The very high number of people who died due to Covid 19 in many countries around the world caused an increase in their measures. Mobile hospitals have an important place among these measures.

Covid 19 Treatment Continues with Mobile Hospital

The first solution that comes to mind due to problems such as hospital insufficiency, high hospital occupancy rates, medical inadequacy or people living far from city centers is the establishment of mobile hospitals.

In this period when people need to stay away from each other to prevent the spread of the virus, it is a very correct approach for mobile hospitals to go where people are as a precaution. Mobile hospitals, which go to the patients and their relatives who are in isolation at home, perform their treatment and provide their medicines without the need to go to the hospital, make a great contribution to the resolution of the epidemic before it increases.

The mobile hospital can be designed to be able to stand anywhere and to be compatible for every floor, and features such as which sections it will consist of and how many rooms it will be can be determined.

The Covid 19 Fight Continues By Establishing Field Hospitals

The increasing cases due to Covid 19, the filling of intensive care rooms and the insufficient capacity of the hospital. Field hospitals developed for such emergencies emerge as a solution. In order to provide safe healthcare services to Covid 19 patients and to continue their treatment, it is established in designated locations with the support of the state and its treatment is ensured.